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Dal 17 al 20 luglio scorso si è tenuta la Prima Assemblea della Confederazione Estremo Oriente della Congregazione dei Servi della Carità - Opera Don Guanella. 

Riuniti sul tema dell’Assemblea: "Testimoniare la Comunione in Missione". Profezia e sfide.

I confratelli radunati i questa prima Assemblea della Confederazione Far East sono stati 15 da cinque comunità in missione in tre nazioni: Filippine, Vietnam e Isole di Solomon. Tutte dentro l'immenso Oceano Pacifico, al nord e al sud dell’Equatore.

The assembly was held in Manila on 17-20 July, 2019 at ACI Convent, Tandang Sora. Fr. Luigi de Giambattista, the Coordinator presided over the meeting. There were 15 Confreres from Philippines, Vietnam and Solomon Islands present for the gathering spent three days in listening, discerning and proposing for the future.

Fr. Luigi says it is Kairos, the time of special grace that the Lord is providing for all of us. It is absolutely new and there is energy, more passion and youthfulness in the Confederation. It is a new call and it is urgent. We need this theme: Communion in mission. There is a new spirit is blowing, we need to work and work together guided by the Spirit of the Lord.

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